
Read our Impact Report 2018 – Making a Difference: Impact and effectiveness of Peaced Together

Below are quotes and stories from women who have completed Peaced Together

“Peaced Together has given me hope that not everything that is broken is no good, but it can be used to make something new.”


Read more of Marcia’s story

Naomi portrait
“Peaced Together has helped me to look again at the broken areas of my life and find fresh hope for the future.”

Naomi, now a Peaced Together Trainer

“When I took part in Peaced Together it was very inspiring to hear other women’s testimonies – it felt like I was not alone, it was like a mini community. I would recommend Peaced Together to any woman feeling alone, wanting a listening ear and needing some inspiration. It inspired me to be better in my cake business.”


“Peaced Together opened my eyes to forgive myself and people around me. As soon as I chose to forgive, my life started to change for the better.”


Read Peaced Together trainer Catherine’s story