
Time is so precious and how you spend it can make a big difference – both in your life and the lives of others. My local community Hub is run almost entirely by volunteers. They have about 45 people who give up their time to volunteer every week. They deliver […]

#thoughtfulthursday 45: Volunteer

There is something beautiful and heartwarming about watching children play. In this age of technology, seeing children running, laughing and enjoying each other is very special. We can see the benefits of play for our children, but as adults with busy lives we seldom see it as a priority for […]

#thoughtfulthursday 43: Play!

Gratitude prepares the ground for kindness. When we are thankful we take our eyes off our worries and focus on our blessings. This helps us to be kind to ourselves and others. Thankfulness is an important part of Peaced Together – we have seen that it can dramatically improve your health […]

#thoughtfulthursday 41: Be grateful

Rushing through life, no time to stop, to consider, to notice, swept up in a whirlwind of busyness. Does this feel familiar? It is easy to be so caught up in the busyness of life that we miss out on the opportunities all around us to be kind, to choose […]

#thoughtfulthursday 34: Beware of busyness leading to unkindness

My family has a bit of a competitive edge, particularly in board games, so celebrating when someone else wins doesn’t come naturally. I hear myself saying ‘It’s not the winning that matters, it’s the taking part’ but secretly I want to win. You could say this is harmless fun and […]

#thoughtfulthursday 27: Be happy for people’s happiness